About Us

The Easter Bilby’s Friends concept is being developed by the environmental charity Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia and their friends. It builds on the Easter Bilby story and explains why the Foundation’s slogan of ‘Bilbies not Bunnies’ is so important.

Children’s books provide an opportunity to entertain and educate coming generations who will take on the roles of caring for the bush and the native plants and animals to which it is home, and who help it to stay healthy and of benefit to us all. The Foundation partners with Wakefield Press, author Kristin Martin and illustrator Bianca Richardson to develop the books, and is working closely with communities across Australia to help give recognition to the work they do in controlling rabbits and safeguarding the future of Australian landscapes.

Author & Illustrator

Kristin Martin is a poet, primary school teacher and the author of To Rhyme or Not to Rhyme? (Glimmer Press). She lives in Adelaide, South Australia with her family, four frogs, three turtles and a lizard named Ash.


Bianca Richardson is a graphic designer and illustrator with a love for wonky hand drawn lines. She lives in the beautiful Limestone Coast region of South Australia with her husband and their two little legends.


Rabbit-Free Australia

Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia holds registered trade marks for Easter Bilby and Easter Bilby’s Friends to protect the integrity of the ‘brand’. The Foundation is pleased to work with any entity wanting to help promote Easter Bilby’s message and the control of rabbits.